Staffing Made Simple *

willSub is the solution to all your staffing needs...

ESS Midwest uses willSub to assist districts with their staffing programs, providing an automated substitute placement and absence tracking system to schools. By combining this with the benefits of contract employment and payroll processing, ESS Midwest offers districts a single source that meets the needs of education professionals everywhere.

“Our school district has struggled for years with getting substitutes to cover classrooms. We spent lots of time on and off the clock calling and begging. Then Came Along WillSub!! The transition was easy and smooth for our teachers and administration. The support staff are friendly, they respond quickly and are eager to provide step-by-step instructions to any questions or concerns. They offer reports to track teacher’s absences, percentages of how many teachers were out on a given day and much more. I love the Live Support Chat option. They Had Me At Chat!! I highly recommend using WillSub.”

- Melia Clawson
Delaware Community School Corp.
Muncie, IN


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