Staffing Made Simple *

Administrative Services

Willsub services are designed to eliminate the chores associated with finding substitutes for teachers. Willsub allows your secretarial staff to focus on their other important responsibilities while the substitute management process is handled automatically. Willsub maintains up to the minute information about your teacher's substitute requests, and makes it available to you in real time on your computer's screen. When you login to Willsub, you immediately see which teachers are absent today and who will be substituting for them. Convenient 'This Week' and 'Next Week' views give you a quick overall perspective on current absenteeism. Since only immediate Medical requests are pre-approved, Willsub allows building administrators to review pending requests and decide to approve them or not. Willsub improves communication between teachers, substitutes, and administrators by providing a 'Notes to Sub.' and 'Notes to Administrator' section on the request. These notes can be used to inform substitutes of classroom needs or directions, and can inform administrators of the reasons for their requests. Finally, Willsub provides full reporting features that make it easy to track absences by teacher and type for a variety of time-periods.
